Saturday, March 12, 2011


Tuesday, September 7

Growing up, we always had a time of reflection following a family vacation. I always looked forward to this time where we would all go around and say what our favorite part of the trip was. This would inevitably turn into laughter as we all brought up some of the funnier moments of the trip. I thought it would be fun to answer not only that one question, but a few more, in order to sum up my trip.

My favorite part of the trip: Holding the infants! The ones that weren’t scared of me were just so cute and cuddly!

The most frustrating part of the trip: Feeling like I was taken advantage of because I’m white. This was mostly financially-getting charged way more because of the color of my skin.

What surprised me the most: Ghana has a big population of amazing Christian men and women. What a wonderful culture of kind and generous people!

Scariest moment: I was taking a taxi home one night and the traffic was crazy, with cars going in every direction-complete chaos! My taxi driver went to drive around another car that was going slow and the car blocked our way. The driver got out and came up to the taxi driver’s side and started yelling at him and punching his arm and head. I was terrified that he was going to pull out a gun! The taxi driver stayed calm and didn’t retaliate and the guy went back to his car and drove away. It was definitely scary though!

What a great experience this was! I am looking forward to hopefully visiting more African countries in the future!

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